16th October 2024

Search Ashurst Wood Village Council

Serving the people of Ashurst Wood

Major Planning Applications affecting Ashurst Wood

Here we will provide information about major applications affecting the village - usually applications for more than one dwelling and / or Neighbourhood Plan or District Plan allocations.

Permission granted for Wealden House development

Permission was granted by the Mid Sussex District Council Planning Committee on the 1st June 2023 for application DM/22/2832 for the demolition of existing buildings (former EDF building and the Wealden House Life Improvement Centre) and the development of a residential scheme comprising 15 apartments and 35 three and four bedroomed houses, with garages, parking, landscaping and open space.
The scheme does not include any affordable housing as the District Council accepted the developer's viability assessment (although this will be reviewed later in the development process).

The scheme does include the provision of a new pedestrian crossing point in the A22 and financial contributions from the developer towards local infrastructure.

New Application for Wealden House site

As noted below, the Wealden house EDF and LIC sites were allocated in the Neighbourhood Plan. Developers Ashgrove Homes were granted permission on appeal in November 2020 for the construction of 54 flats on the EDF site.

The developers then submitted an application for 43 flats on the adjacent LIC site to Mid Sussex District Council in October 2021. That application has not yet been determined.

Ashgrove Homes has recently reviewed its strategy and decided to prepare an alternative solution for the combined site. Instead of a completely flatted development, there would be a mix of dwelling types made up of 15 apartments and 35 two, three and four bedroom houses.

An application for the new scheme was submitted to Mid Sussex District Council in September 2022. The plans, supporting documents and consultation responses (including the Village Council's comments) can be seen on the District Council's planning portal under reference DM/22/2832

New Application for Mount Pleasant Nursery site

The site has outline permission for up to 6 new houses (DM/18/3242 - see Neighbourhood Plan allocations below).
A reserved matters application, reference DM/22/2190 is currently pending.

A new application has also been submitted seeking outline permission for up to 6 self/custom build houses. Planning reference DM/22/0368

Proposals for Ivy Dene Industrial Estate

The Village Council has been informed that the owner of the Industrial Estate in Ivy Dene Lane is proposing to submit an application for outline planning permission to enable him to redevelop the site for housing.

The site is allocated in both the Mid Sussex District Plan and the Ashurst Wood Neighbourhood Plan for employment use, however the Owner's agents advise that the site is no longer viable for commercial use because of the considerable investment needed to improve the buildings and infrastructure. They have commissioned several reports and investigations into issues including highways and traffic, contaminated land considerations, visual impact assessment, refurbishments costs associated with the existing buildings and valuation reports concerning its potential use for commercial purposes.

The agents have sent information about their proposals to 100 residents living close to the site. A copy of the leaflet can be seen below and hard copies can be obtained from the Council's office.
Feedback was requested by the 26th January 2022.

Proposals for Wealden House (LIC)

In July 2021, Ashgrove Homes published a leaflet outlining proposals for the development of the Manor House at Wealden House. The leaflet was sent to the Village Council and to some residents. The site is adjacent to the former EDF site, and is currently occupied by a number of small businesses. The developers were granted permission on appeal for the construction of 54 flats on the EDF site (see link below).

The Village Council sent some comments to the developers and offered to meet with them on site for discussions about the proposals prior to submission of any planning application.
However there was no response from the developers and a planning application was submitted to Mid Sussex District Council in October 2021.

The application is for 43 apartments. The reference is DM/21/3501

Sites Allocated in the Neighbourhood Plan

The following sites were allocated in the Plan:

  • Land between 98-104 Maypole Road. Plan policy ASW6. Approximate capacity: 5
    Permission granted by Mid Sussex District Council for 4 dwellings on 10th May 2019: Reference DM/18/4433
    Construction commenced during 2021.
  • Mount Pleasant Nursery, Cansiron Lane. Plan Policy ASW 7. Approximate capacity: 3
    Outline Permission granted by Mid Sussex 22nd July 2019 for construction of up to 6 dwellings (net total of 5).
    All matters reserved except for access. Reference DM/18/3242
    New application for up to 6 custom/self-build homes Planning reference DM/22/0368
  • Willow Trees and Spinney Hill, Lewes Road. Plan Policy ASW 8. Approximate capacity: 4-8
    Permission granted by Mid Sussex District Council on 3rd March 2017 for one 5-bedroom house adjacent to Spinney Hill. Reference DM/16/2268 (now expired)
    Permission granted by Mid Sussex District Council on 3rd May 2019 for 7 dwellings, including 2 affordable homes (net total of 5). Reference DM/17/2695
    Construction commenced during 2020.
  • Wealden House, Lewes Road (EDF site). Plan Policy ASW 9. Approximate capacity: 50+
    Permission granted on appeal on the 11th November 2020 for the construction of 54 flats. Planning Application Reference DM/19/1025
    Appeal reference AP/20/0011 See Appeal Decision below.
  • Wealden House LIC, Lewes Road. Plan Policy ASW10. Approximate capacity not stated.
    Planning Application submitted in October 2021 or 43 apartments. Reference DM/21/3510 See above for further information.

Last updated: Mon, 12 Jun 2023 14:46